Recencies | PhysioMatch.

Because we are customer-oriented, we want to know how people experienced our service. We like it when you leave a review and it helps us to improve our service!

Michael Krauße
Michael Krauße
Sehr kompetente Beratung, unkomplizierte Vermittlung und einfach ein sehr angenehmer Prozess von Anfang bis Ende.
Rutger van Hulsen
Rutger van Hulsen
Super geholpen door Physiomatch en met name door David. Snel contact en veel dingen geregeld om in Zwitserland te kunnen werken, thanks!
Myrtο Kesidou
Myrtο Kesidou
I am very satisfied with my cooperation with PhysioMatch. Eric and Dorien are always very kind and willing to help. Erik helped me finding a job in Switzerland according to my wishes. Also he continued helping me with the establishment and answered immediately all my questions. The match with my employer is particularly successful, which makes me even happier. For all these reasons I totally recommend PhysioMatch.
Max Van Kempen
Max Van Kempen
Ik ben op dit moment bezig met het traject om te gaan werken in Zwitserland en dit verloopt erg prettig via PhysioMatch. Mijn contact persoon Erik-Jan is makkelijk in de omgang, goed bereikbaar (bellen of appen) en voorziet me van alle informatie waar ik om vraag. Mocht hij een dagje vrij zijn wordt zijn toestel overgenomen door een even attente collega. Daarnaast werken ze met een fijne interactieve checklist, waardoor alles overzichtelijk blijft. Als fysiotherapeut zijn er geen nadelen verbonden aan het werken met PhysioMatch, aangezien je nieuwe werkgever hen betaald en hiervan een deel naar jou als fysiotherapeut gaat voor het bezoeken van de praktijken tijdens de sollicitatieperiode. Al met al een aanrader!
eugen oreč
eugen oreč
Durch Zufall bin ich auf eine Anzeige von Physiotherapeuten in der Schweiz gestoßen und habe mich beworben. Ich hatte wirklich keine Pläne, umzuziehen. Nach einem sehr angenehmen Gespräch mit Samira und den Informationen, die sie mir gegeben hat, wurde mein Interesse immer größer. Nächste Woche begann ich, Stellenangebote zu bekommen. Mit ihrer und Doriens Hilfe habe ich alle notwendigen Papiere und Dokumente zusammengetragen und jetzt, 5 Monate nach dem Vorstellungsgespräch, arbeite ich in der Schweiz in einer wunderbaren Praxis und es war bisher die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens. Ich kann sie auf jeden Fall empfehlen, es kostet euch nichts und ihr könntet viel bekommen.
Aanrader! Erg goed geholpen door Erik-Jan. Prettige begeleiding waarbij ze goed met je meedenken over mogelijkheden en daarbij kennis van zaken hebben.
Michele Fernandes
Michele Fernandes
PhysioMatch, ein seriöses Unternehmen, hat mir geholfen, eine neue Stelle in der Stadt zu finden, in der ich in der Schweiz leben wollte. Sie hatten immer ein offenes Ohr für meine Bedürfnisse, unterstützten mich bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Arbeitgeber und erstatteten mir die Reisekosten von Portugal in die Schweiz. Ich empfehle PhysioMatch. Die Fachleute sind sehr aufmerksam.
Sebi Nicușor
Sebi Nicușor
I recommend Physiomatch fully! Thanks to the team,especially Christophe, for the guidance, advice and the full support throughout this great journey! Without them I wouldn't have the opportunity to be where I am today! Very, very grateful to them! If you want the best chances to work in Switzerland as a Physio from another country, Physiomatch is the way to go! Great Company!
Robert Duca
Robert Duca
I would like to thank Christophe for being such an amazing recruiter. He always reached out to me making sure I understood the process, offered me advice and was a great guy in general. Thank you so much Christophe Wozny, your contribution to PhysioMatch is invaluable. Danke sehr
Thanasis Stavropoulos
Thanasis Stavropoulos
Dorien from Physiomatch helped a lot to find a job in Switzerland. They are doing really good job! Keep going!

Give a review


    • 9
      "My employee went on maternity leave. Luckily, Physiomatch quickly found a good replacement"
      Hans Practitioner Switzerland
    • 10
      "From the beginning, the people at PhysioMatch were very approachable and super friendly. They are open about their information and if you have any questions, they try to answer them as best they can. They are honest about the steps you are about to take and help you as much as they can to make the transition to work abroad as smooth as possible. I am still at the beginning of my adventure. But PhysioMatch has been a great support to this adventurous step so far and I want to thank them again for that! So do you like adventure, getting to know the mountains and a new culture? Then PhysioMatch can definitely help you out!"
      Christine Oppedijk
    • 10
      "I didn't have time to find an experienced person, luckily PhysioMatch found a therapist that really fits our practice "
      Pieter Practitioner
    • 10
      "Thank you PhysioMatch for persuading me to go to Switzerland"
      Bruno Cleton
    • 10
      "I contacted PhysioMatch to find a job in Switzerland. Shortly after I expressed my interest, I was contacted and not long after that I was already in contact with practices all over Switzerland. After speaking with an employer, I signed a contract and flew away. Currently, I am working in a beautiful practice and I am very satisfied. All in all, I am very satisfied with the support and continuous guidance PhysioMatch gave me free of charge during the whole process; I would highly recommend them to any physiotherapist looking for a job."
      Magnus Joeleht
    • 10
      "Thanks to them, I have been able to develop as a professional and as a person. The attention is fantastic and they are very thorough. They help you in everything and follow up on you. I encourage anyone who is unsure or does not trust them to trust them without fear. Thank you PhysioMatch and especially Esther !!!!"
      Eduardo Robles Pasquín
    • 9
      "Thank you for the good match you found. I am happy to recommend you."
      Frank Rindert

    Physio adventure in Switzerland

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